
Vacancy Announcement USAID-SIAP1 Case Management Co-Trainer

Management systems international, inc

StrengtHening Integrity and accountability program 1 (SIAP 1)

Terms of Reference

Position : Case Management Co – Trainer
Languages Required : Bahasa/ Indonesian
Nationality : Indonesian
Duration of Contract : 24 days
Working Period : September 2013 – April 2014

The objective of SIAP-1 is to contribute to good governance in Indonesia by strengthening integrity and accountability in government – principally at the national level. It will do this by supporting governmental and non-governmental efforts to strengthen integrity and accountability. To reach the objective, SIAP-1 provides training to some government agencies to increase their internal capacity.

Objective 1: Co- Training on Case Management
  • To co-train with the main trainer, passively within the on going training
  • To observe the ongoing Case Management  Training, and provide additional information when needed
  • To provide examples or explanations on the questions that will arise among the trainings that involves local context
Objective 2: Attending the Trainings in/near Jakarta
  • To travel outside Jakarta, as needed
  • Together with main trainer, to attend the training and assist as needed
  • S/he will be a local expert that will respond to the participant’s questions or inquiries regarding Indonesian Law and Legal Systems
  • S/he will assist the trainer and provide input regarding the difficulties that the trainer find in local context matters
  • As a source person, s/he will revise and provide inputs related to the training topic
Summary report focusing on recommendations for future improvement of training program.

  • Intermedietary Level on September 2013 ( 5 days)
  • Advance Level training on October 2013 ( 5 days)
  • Basic Level training on April 2014 /TBD ( 5 – 6 days)
In addition, for each delivery:
Report writing on recommendations (3 days)

Participant of Case Management Course Developer and Trainer must meet the following requirements :
  • Individual trainer, expertise in investigation
  • Having the ability to provide services as a co- trainer/source person, specifically in case management/ investigation.
  • Have certifications of experiences, relevance to professional services will be provided.
  • Having a good performance, not on the sanctions list or black list in a government agency/state owned company.
  • Not make incorrect statements about his/her competence and capabilities
  • Must have a degree in Law
  • Must have a minimum 10 years of experience in law/legal matters
Application should include a cover letter, CV (including three references) and contact number by 1 September 2013, at the latest. Please put the position you apply for as the subject of your email.

Please send applications to hong@msi-siap.com. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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