
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: ICT Trainer for The Training of Trainer (ToT)

ISEAN-Hivos-GF-R10-HIV/AIDS – Consultant/ Consultant Group to Design and Code ICT Tools for Research Initiatives and Documentation for the ISEAN-Hivos Program under the “Strengthening community systems to reduce vulnerability to and impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in Insular Southeast Asia”

In 2010, the Insular Southeast Asian Network on MSM, TG, and HIV (ISEAN) and the Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos) jointly submitted a regional proposal to the Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis (GFATM) Round 10. The programme, entitled ‘Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce Vulnerability to and Impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in Insular Southeast Asia’, was approved by GFATM and contract for the grant was signed on 6 October 2011. This grant has the main goal of reducing (a) the vulnerability and risks of MSM and TG to HIV infection and (b) the impact of HIV on their lives in Insular Southeast Asia. It intends to address critical gaps in supporting and scaling up activities that reduce HIV/AIDS among MSMs and TGs.

Satu Dunia, as the Regional ICT Service Provider of the ISEAN-Hivos Grant, is looking for a capable “Trainer” for the Training of Trainers on “IHP-ICT Based Tools for ISEAN & SRs” for the ISEAN-Hivos Program. The consultant outputs will be serve as bases the delivery of key ICT interventions to MSM and TG groups in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Timor Leste under the ISEAN-Hivos program.

Specifically, the following services that address the Grant’s requirements are expected to be provided by the Consultant:
  • Conduct consultation meetings with Satu Dunia and other IHP partners to gather inputs for the required ICT training;
  • Study the existing IHP ICT Based Tools to get the objectives of the training session acomplished which will contain the following:
    • Online Survey Tools
    • M&E Online Tools
    • BCC Online Outreach Tool
    • CBO E-Library
    • Regional based Social network
  • Compile all IHP-ICT training modules for SR & ISEAN
  • Conduct ICT training of trainers with ISEAN, SR’s IHP Staff and some participants from CBOs In Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Timor Leste on these topics:
    • Online Survey Tools
    • M&E Online Tools
    • BCC Online Outreach Tool
    • CBO E-Library
    • Regional based Social network
  • Submit a final compilation of ICT training modules for approval. and
  • Draft a consultancy completion report, including key findings and recommendations.
Key Qualifications
  • Having ICT background and ICT perspective for communities
  • Understanding on common ICT tools for CBO such as online survey tools, Knowledge Hub platform, social media, campaign tools and M&E Online.
  • Minimum 3 years experiences as a trainer
  • Familiar with the issue of HIV/AIDS
  • Familiar with Non Government Organization (NGO)
  • Preferably with established knowledge and experience in formal training.
  • Preferably with experience working with Global Fund Programmes;
  • Fluency in written and spoken English. Preferably with working knowledge of at least one language used in the ISEAN-Hivos countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Timor Leste)
  • Good interpersonal skill and have sincere desire for helping people.
  • A resident (preferably a citizen) of one of the above ISEAN-Hivos countries.
Note: People living with HIV are encouraged to apply for this position.

The selected Consultant will be engaged locally for within the periods between August,14 2013 to September 25 , 2013.

An Expression of Interest (EoI) Letter, together with the applicant’s organizational/company profile must be sent by August 11, 2013 to the email below at 17:00 hrs. Jakarta Western Indonesia Time:


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