
Lowongan ProRep (Chemonics International) is looking for Public Policy Specialist, Jakarta

Program Representasi (ProRep) is looking for a Public Policy Specialist. Please find below the Scope of Work for the mentioned position. Please submit your cover letter and CV to recruitment@prorep.or.id not later than August 23rd, 2013. Please note that we do not accept any telephone inquiry. Only shortlisted will be contacted. Thank you and good luck!
Scope of Work

I. Overview
The primary objective of ProRep is to increase the effectiveness of representative groups and institutions in Indonesia and, in doing so, bolster both democracy and good governance. 

ProRep is working to help strengthen representation in three important areas:
  • First, it is building the capacity of member- and constituency-based based civil society organizations (CSOs) so that they can better represent the interests of their members and constituents at the national and/or local level (Component 1).
  • Second, it supports independent analysis and public consideration of legislation and policies having a major impact on democratic governance (Component 2).
  • Third, it works with Indonesia’s key representative bodies – primarily the House of Representatives (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat or DPR), but also with the Regional Representative Council (Dewan Perwakilan Daerah or DPD) – to help them become more effective, responsive and transparent (Component 3).
The principal project results include: 1) membership-based CSOs will be better able to represent the interests of their members, 2) Indonesian universities, think tanks and CSOs will be better able to produce and disseminate policy-relevant research and analysis, and 3) the legislative process in the DPR will be more effective, responsive and transparent. The project also provides USAID with a mechanism to allow it to respond flexibly and rapidly to unanticipated needs and opportunities that USAID believes are important to protecting or advancing democratic governance in Indonesia. These results contribute to the achievement of IR 2 of USAID’s 2009-2014 Democratic Governance (DG) strategy, which supports efforts at both the national and regional levels to make governance more representative, effective and responsive to citizen’s needs.
II. Background
Indonesia has been navigating its democratic transition in a sometimes slow but generally successful fashion for more than a decade. Over those years Indonesians have successfully institutionalized democratic politics, made multiple improvements to their constitution, and reduced the political role of the military and initiated sweeping decentralization. As a result, as the 2008 Democracy and Governance Assessment for Indonesia has pointed out, the institutional structure   of democracy in Indonesia is now largely in place. Indeed, Indonesia appears to be one of the most successful and stable “new” democracies in Asia.

While Indonesia’s transition to democratic politics has been very successful, there still are a number of problems and shortcomings that are significant impediments to the consolidation of democracy. These include the still-weak rule of law, relatively low levels of transparency and accountability, inadequate representation, often dysfunctional intergovernmental relations, and a political system heavily influenced by money politics.

In order to address the remaining impediments to democratic consolidation and good governance in Indonesia, USAID Indonesia’s DG Strategy for 2009-2014 has as its Assistance Objective (AO): Making Democratic Governance Deliver. The use of the phrase “making democratic governance deliver,” is intended to convey the importance of “delivering” in at least two senses: First, Indonesia’s democracy has to do a better job delivering on its promise of producing a more just, prosperous and secure society. Second, democratic governance must do a better job delivering the basic services (including security and justice) needed to improve peoples’ lives.

To contribute in a meaningful way to this Assistance Objective, USAID’s Office of Democratic Governance (USAID/DG) supports activities intended to (1) Strengthen rule of law and accountability, (2) Help governance become more representative, effective, and responsive, and (3) Strengthen capacity for sustainable peace-building.

ProRep focuses especially on the second outcome (i.e., helping governance become more representative, effective, and responsive).  The Public Policy Specialist leads ProRep Component 2, which is designed to build the capacity of 15-20 research groups and institutions to conduct timely, high-quality policy research and ensure that it is effectively
distributed to legislators, policymakers, media groups and others. By supporting such research, ProRep helps contribute to constructive public debates and policy-making, including policy-making within the DPR, rather than just improving the quality policy research as such.

III. Position Name

Public Policy Specialist

IV. Counterparts
USAID/Indonesia, DPR, DPD, think tanks, university and policy CSO partners and grantees

V. Responsibilities
The Public Policy Specialist (PPS) leads one of three Prorep Components and shares responsibility for the overall program with the leadership of the other two components. This means that the incumbent will on occasion lead Prorep-wide initiatives, work collectively with other component leads, and as well be expected to represent the entire project in
various  fora.

In addition the Public Policy Specialist has overall responsibility for the  implementation of Project Component 2, Building the capacity of universities, think tanks and CSOs to conduct and disseminate policy-relevant research and analysis on key policy and governance issues.  This includes identifying and engaging with partner organizations, providing them with the skills, tools and resources they need, and monitoring and reporting on their performance.  

The public policy specialist provides advisory, mentoring, training and technical assistance to think tank, university and policy CSO partners and grantees.  He or she is responsible for integrating Project Component 2 activities with those of Project Components 1, Strengthening the representational capacity of membership-and-constituency-based CSOs,
and Project Component 3, Supporting more effective, responsive and transparent legislative processes.  The public policy specialist communicates, supervises and collaborates with United States-based partners, short-term experts, subcontractors and grantees; assists or coordinates with special initiative activities (i.e., studies, surveys, short-term training, etc.) as required, and collects and provides Component 2 performance M&E data. The specialist will also perform other duties as directed by the Chief of Party.

The outcomes against which Component Two is measured include:
  • Both grantees and other think tanks and research organizations are producing more evidence-based policy relevant research and analysis.
  • CSOs and members of the DPR and their staff are more informed consumers of evidence-based policy analysis.
  • Prorep partner organizations, think tanks, CSOs or members of the DPR, as well as non-partner entities such as other think tanks, the press and the donor community are, as a consequence of Prorep sponsored activity,  more deeply informed in topic areas targeted by Prorep.
Illustrative activities could include:
  • Organize for Prorep a series of workshops/conferences on select public policy issues facing the legislature, involving think tanks, CSO, DPR members and staff.
  • Conceptualization of focused research grants on topics of relevance to the DPR
  • Write, for external audiences, policy briefs, reports, and analyses of issues confronting think tanks and other Indonesian providers of evidence-based policy analysis.
  • Coordinating Prorep input into USAID’s implementation of their emerging strategy for their Indonesia program.
VI. Supervision
The  Public Policy Specialist will report directly to the Chief of Party.

VII. Qualifications
Advanced degree in a relevant field such as economics, law or political science. A minimum of 7 years experience with public policy formulation, including working in a think tank, legislature or government agency.. Familiarity with implementation of international donor funded projects a plus. Familiarity with Indonesian or Asian politics and governance a plus. Must be bi-lingual in Bahasa Indonesian and English.

VIII. Time Frame and Level of Effort
The assignment will be a full-time position and is expected to begin on or about August 15, 2013 and conclude on or about March 15, 2014, with an option to extend until April 2016. 

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