
IFES Request for Applications, RFA No.13-161-Omnibus Law Initiative


Request for Applications
Omnibus Law Initiative

RFA No. 13-161

1.1. Purpose
IFES  is currently  engaged  in  implementing  the Elections  2014  Administration  Program (EAP) funded  by  theUnited States  Agency  for International  Development (USAID).  The purpose  of  this  Request for  Applications(RFA) is   to   invite prospective   applicants  to   submit   an   application   to   lead   and conduct   the   initiative   ofcreating  a consolidated and  comprehensive  electoral  legal  framework in  the  form  of  an omnibus  modelelection  law  for  Indonesia.

IFES  is  planning to  award  a  six  months  sub-­‐grant,  with  a  total  estimated cost  not  to  exceed  USD  98,000  or IDR  957,967,000.

An  award  will be  made  only  after  IFES  makes  a positive  determination  that  the  applicant  possesses,  or  has the ability to   obtain,   the   necessary   management
competence   to   carry   out   the   grant  activity,   and   will practice mutually  agreed  upon  methods  of accountability  for funds  and  other  assets funded  by  the  United States Agency  for  International  Development.  IFES must  be  fully  satisfied  that  the  applicant
 has the  capacity to  adequately perform  in  accordance  with  the  principles established  by  the  Department  of  State and  22  CFR 145.

1.2. Coverage & Participation
Issuance  of  this RFA  does  not  constitute  a  commitment on  the  part  of  IFES  to  make an award  nor  does  it commit IFES  to  pay  for  costs incurred  in the  preparation  and submission  of  any application  in  response  to this  RFA. Further,  IFES  reserves  the  right to reject  any  or  all applications  received.

2. General  Information
2.1. Background
The   International   Foundation for   Electoral   Systems (IFES) is   an   independent,   non-governmentalorganization providing  professional support  to  electoral  democracy. 
IFES promotes  democratic  stability  by providing   technical   assistance and   applying   field-based   research   to the electoral   cycle   worldwide   to enhance  citizen participation  and  strengthen  civil  societies,  governance  and  transparency.    In recognition of this  commitment,  USAID  has  awarded  IFES with  the  Election  Administration  Program

Under  the  EAP, the  goals  of  IFES’  electoral  law analysis  are:  promoting  a  public involvement  through  an active dialogue   among   a   wide   range   of  stakeholders   for   early   identification   of  legal   issues   likely   to negatively impact  the  implementation  of election  and its  areas for improvement  of  the current  election laws;   and support   the   development  of   draft omnibus   election   law   and   advocate   for  new   reforms   and consolidation of  5  election  laws  into  one  pioneer omnibus  election  law  for  future  national elections  post 2014.

2.2. RFA Schedule
The  following is  a  tentative  schedule  that  will apply  to  this  RFA,  but  may  change in accordance  with  IFES’needs  or  unforeseen  circumstances. Changes will  be communicated by  e-mail  to all  parties.

Issuance of RFA 29  July  2013
Technical Questions/Inquiries  due 19  August  2013,  9:00  AM
EDT Answers/Addenda from IFES 21  August  2013
RFA Closes 27  August  2013,  6:00  PM

EDT For RFA details (program description, responsibilities and requirement), please
download the documents at


Applicant Inquiries.
Inquiries, questions,  and  requests  for  clarification related  to  this  RFA  should  be submitted in  writing,  no  later  than  19  August 2013  and  be  directed  to:

IFES  Indonesia
Intiland  Tower,  19th Floor
Jl.  Jend.  Sudirman  32
Jakarta  10220 Indonesia
Attention: Salima Wiggins,  Administrator,  C&G /  Zulkarnain  Lubis,  Program  Officer
Telephone: +62 21  5795  6795
Fax: +62  21  5795  6807
E-­‐mail: swiggins@ifes.org   AND  zulkarnain@ifesindonesia.org

Submission Applicants must  send  applications  in  electronic  copy via  e-­‐mail,  on  or  prior to  27  August  2013,  6:00  PM  EDT to  Salima  Wiggins,  Administrator, Contracts  and  Grants,  Asia  and  Europe Team  at  swiggins@ifes.org AND Zulkarnain Lubis,  Program  Officer  at  zulkarnain@ifesindonesia.org

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