


Reports to: National Project Manager of PREP-ICCTF and Head of ICCTF Secretariat
Duty Station: ICCTF Secretariat, Wisma Bakrie 2, Jakarta
Duration of Assignment: initially August – December 2013, with probability of extension

□full time, output based  

I. Background Information

In 2009 the Government of
Indonesia (GoI) established a national trust fund mechanism called the
Indonesian Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) to facilitate and coordinate
financial support for climate change related activities. ICCTF is the first
integrated financial mechanism for Indonesia’s national policies and programs
on addressing climate change. Current ICCTF governance structure includesa Steering Committee,
Technical Committee and Secretariat. ICCTF operates in three thematic windows: land based mitigation, energy,and resilience and
“Letter of Agreement regarding Implementation of Preparatory Arrangements for
the Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund” was signed by the GOI and UNDP on
September 14, 2009 to establish the Preparatory Arrangement for the Indonesia
Climate Change Trust Fund (PREP-ICCTF) project until the end of 2014. The
objectives of the PREP-ICCTF project were to immediately support priority
initiatives on climate change, and to support capacity development needs for
the design, establishment and implementation of ICCTF.  Under the PREP-ICCTF, UNDP acts as the
interim fund manager for ICCTF during the interim phase. During the interim
phase, responsibilities of UNDP have gradually been transferred from the
PREP-ICCTF project to ICCTF. In compliance with the Presidential Regulation
(Perpres) No.80/2011 on Trust Funds, ICCTF is currently working on a transition
plan to establish a fully nationally managed trust fund structure with a Board
of Trustee (Majelis Wali Amanat/MWA) and a National Fund Manager (Pengelola
Dana Amanat/PDA). 
transition phase will be completed by the end of 2014. As part of this
transition, ICCTF is hiring a Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) Manager
with the responsibility of strengthening the mechanisms of program assurance within
ICCTF and particularly coordinating the planning, monitoring and evaluation of
ICCTF-managed projects. The national framework for Planning, Monitoring and
Evaluation is expected to capture the local development results for the people
of Indonesia and demonstrate the value-added of ICCTF-managed projects in the
national fight against climate change. The PME Manager will
report to National Project Manager of PREP-ICCTF and Head of ICCTF Secretariat. 

Objectives of Assignment

Working under the direct
supervision of the PREP-ICCTF National Project Manager, the Planning, Monitoring
and Evaluation Manager PME Manager will assume the responsibility of assuring
the quality of projects funded by the ICCTF Secretariat. The managing role of
the PME Manager spans over the lifecycle of ICCTF projects. With the support of
the program team from Technical Windows (land-based mitigation, energy and
adaptation), the PME Manager will 1) ensure the rigorous planning of new
projects; 2) monitor the programmatic and financial disbursement progress of
ongoing projects; and 3) evaluate development results from ICCTF-funded project
and their contribution to tackling climate change. The PME Manage is in charge
of underlining the contribution of ICCTF as an institution to the national
emission reduction target of the Government of Indonesia to effectively and
coherently address climate change by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by
26 percent, and 41 percent if financial support from other countries is
available, by 2020.
S/he will provide guidance and
supervise the work of the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit. S/he will
also meet regularly with the National Project Manager and Head of Secretariat
in order to provide evidence-based advice on ICCTF’s strategic steering and
Manager promotes a collaborative, client-oriented approach consistent with
Government of Indonesia rules and regulations, ensuring successful ICCTF operation.S/he works in close
collaboration with the Bappenas
and UNDP Indonesia CO.

III. Scope of Work

1.  Managerial
* Direct responsibility and accountability for
planning, management and oversight of program development and project
evaluations conducted at the ICCTF Secretariat.
* Lead the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
Unit and provide guidance to Thematic Windows to design relevant projects and
achieve results set out with the Executing Agencies.
* Provide evidence-based strategic advice to the
Steering Committee/Board of Trustees on ICCTF Secretariat performance.
* Maintain consistency between the evolution of
ICCTF Secretariat structure and operations with the Standard Operation
* Demonstrate the quality of ICCTF Secretariat’s
operations to contribute to resource mobilization efforts of the Board of
* Prepare annual monitoring report of the
Secretariat aggregating findings on project implementation, to be presented to
the Steering Committee/Board of Trustees.

2.  Planning
for Results:
* Support the PREP-ICCTF National Project Manager and Head
of Secretariat in the creation of ICCTF Annual Work Plan based on ICCTF
Business Plan, to be approved by Steering Committee/Board of Trustees.
* Support the development of new project proposals in
line with ICCTF Business Plan and Annual Work Plan.
* Provision of technical advice at the design stage of
projects setting up a framework with defined indicators at the design stage to
facilitate the evaluation at the later stages. 

* Ensure the quality of project proposal before approval
for funding, including review of socio-economic and environmental safeguards.
* Incorporate national objectives into ICCTF planning
and objectives (National Mid-term Development Plan – RPJMN, National/Provincial
Action Plan for Greenhouse Gas Emission – RAN/RAD-GRK, National Action Plan for
Climate Change Adaptation RAN-API).
* Provide assistance to the PREP-ICCTF National Project
Manager of Secretariat to link ICCTF strategic steering with national action
plans and initiatives.
3.  Monitoring
for Results: 

* Implementation of monitoring policies and
strategies established in the development and transition phase of ICCTF.
* Revision of monitoring policies and Standard
Operating Procedures to maintain consistency with the status of ICCTF as a nationally
managed trust fund.
* With the support of the Planning, Monitoring and
Evaluation Unit, conduct annual monitoring exercise to measure the financial
and programmatic performance of the ICCTF Secretariat and its contribution to
national targets of greenhouse gas emission reduction.
* Ensure that all annual monitoring reports are
prepared on time for the review of the Head of Secretariat, presentation to the
Steering Committee/Board of Trustees and submitted to the donor in timely
* Regularly assess monitoring capacity of ICCTF
and provide recommendation to the Head of Secretariat for improvement as

4.  Monitoring
for Results:
* Advise the Thematic Window team on the program
of work, including identification of topics, and projects/program to be
* Ensure that all evaluation reports are prepared
on time for the review of the PREP-ICCTF National Project Manager and Head of
ICCTF Secretariat, and submitted to the donor in timely manner.
* Preparation of the Terms of Reference (TOR), consultant
and evaluation team selection, technical feedback on evaluations and budget
* Guidance on UNDP evaluation policies, procedures
and practices to program managers, UNDP CO staff concerned with evaluation,
consultants and/or members of the evaluation team.
* Provision of evaluation feedback into
policy/project/program design, including comments on various documents.
* Follow up on implementation of evaluation
recommendations. Ensuring the optimal use of evaluations by providing guidance
in preparation of timely management response to all mandatory evaluations and
by developing a communication plan to the Steering Committee/Board of Trustees.

5.  Institutional
* Organization and conduct of training for the
operations/ projects staff on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit. 
* Contribute to the Organization’s Knowledge
Management strategy by taking the role of a facilitator in the process of
capturing best practices, knowledge codification efforts, capitalizing on
lessons learnt, synthesizing the M&E data/information for internal use and
for external use. 
* Identify opportunities for communicating ICCTF
results in national and international fora pertaining to climate change and/ or
climate finance.
* Liaise with Communication Officer to develop regular
and ad hoc publication materials for various medias including both printed and
* Other relevant tasks as directed by the Head of
The Secretariat and National Project Manager.
Impact of Results 
key results have an impact on the overall effectiveness and success of ICCTF’s
interventions and activities in facilitating access to international climate
financing and achieving the Indonesia objectives of greenhouse gas emission by
2020. Effective implementation of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
strategies, as well as efficient management of the program, enhance the
Secretariat’s capacity and credibility to manage the first fully national trust
fund and share experiences and results in international climate change fora.

IV. Requirements and Qualifications
* This post is
prepared specifically for a person who is mature, independent and professional
in his/her expertise on program development, project management, monitoring
and evaluation, financial management, climate change,capacity
development and organizational development.
* Minimum Master’s degree in international
relations, political science, international financial management, environmental
studies, development studies or any closely related
* Minimum 7 years
of relevant experience at the national or international level in development
issues and program/project monitoring and evaluation, preferably within a
bilateral/multilateral development agency, at
least 2 years of which must be in a similar capacity in the area of project
management.Experience in policy advocacy and
public campaign, project selection and project management. 
* Professional technical knowledge/expertise in
methodology of M&E, including theories, standards and models,
quantitative/qualitative/mixed methods, validity/reliability testing of data,
data analysis and interpretation.
* Experience in monitoring and evaluation or aid
programming with a background in the analysis of socio-economic issues and
related policy matters, ideally within the UN system, line ministries or other
national agencies.
* Hands-on experience in developing M&E
framework, implementing M&E strategies, and  liaising with project implementer from central and local government
agencies, NGO/CSOs, and academics.
* Experience of working in the field of reporting
and monitoring to include experience in developing plans, tracking results,
reporting to different stakeholders.
* Demonstrated experience working with national
stakeholders involved in the fight against climate change or environmental
* Experience in the usage of computers and office
software packages, experience in handling of web-based management systems,
ideally Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems.
* Familiarity with the government of Indonesia’s
reporting system preferred, and experience with UNDP systems and program
management approach is an advantage.
* Professional certification relevant to audit such
as Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), or
equivalent is desirable. 

* Team player, able to manage and work
cooperatively with colleagues of different national and cultural backgrounds. Proven
record of attention to detail and work under pressure is required.
* Native Indonesian
* Fluency in oral and
written English is a must.

Interested candidate should submit the
application electronically to vacancy@icctf.or.idhighlighting his/her suitability and potential contribution to the position
together with a detailed CV, expected remuneration, and
three referees. The application should reach ICCTF Secretariat by August 4th,
2013.  Necessary supporting
documents will be asked should the candidate is
shortlisted and asked to present in an interview by ICCTFSelection Panel Team.

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