
FFI, Request for Expression of Interest, consultant position, Remote Sensing Expert, Banda Aceh

Fauna & Flora International (FFI), Request for Expression of Interest, consultant position, Remote Sensing Expert, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Community Rangers Program (CRP), No. TF099737 Project background: FFI is currently implementing a CRP under the World Bank’s
Consolidating Peaceful Development in Aceh (CPDA) program. The CRP covers 14 Mukim in 6 districts and has the following core activities: establishment of 14 CR teams; routine activities (forest patrols, human-wildlife conflict, outreach and livelihood development) and CR institutionalization. An impact assessment team (DIME), FFI’s partner, is aiming to examine CRP impact towards: reducing forest crime; reducing human-wildlife conflict; reducing environmental damage due to development and human settlement; creating institutional capacity for conservation in forest edge communities; promoting new and sustainable livelihoods; and, contributing to social integration and social capital.

Role and responsibilities of the Consultant: i) Procure annual Landsat satellite imagery for tiles spanning from 95W to 99W, 2N to 6N for the years 2008-2013 (running mid-year); ii) Geo-correct and radio-metrically correct procured satellite imagery following the methodology in Potapov (2012); iii) Produce an accurate baseline forest cover mapfor the June 2008-2009 period, for which the classification algorithm used is verified using an independent/training dataset (either previously collected field data or high resolution satellite imagery). Adjust the algorithm as required; and, iv) Process all satellite images at 45-60m resolution using the classification algorithm; construct forest/non-forest maps at yearly internals and then overlay these annual maps to produce gridded datasets of forest fractions and/or forest indices for the a) Ulu Masen and Leuser Ecosystem, and b) Ulu Masen CRP Mukim (treatment), Ulu Masen control Mukim and Leuser control Mukim.

Outputs: i) Data to be provided to FFI - All satellite imagery obtained or purchased for the assignment, Gridded datasets of forest fractions and/or forest indices for the focal years 2008-2013 reflecting mosaiced average values on a mid-yearly (June-June) cycle, Technology transfer used to derive the gridded datasets, Shapefiles for ’treatment’ and ’control’ areas; ii) Draft summary report describing the initial findings, based on a complete analysis of all focal sites; and, iii) Final 15-20 page report (covering in detail the remote sensing and GIS methods used, spatio-temporal results and their meaning).

Timeline: The contract will be implemented over a period of 3 months, beginning in September 2013. All outputs must be delivered by the end of November 2013.

Application process:FFI now invites eligible consultant firms to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested firms must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, general qualifications and number of key staff etc). Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications. It should be stated in the Expression of Interest response whether the association is a joint venture or sub-consultancy. Sub-consultant qualifications will not be considered. A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowersand the FFI-World Bank grant agreement.

Further information is available at the following address (FFI office hours, 9am-5pm). Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below at the latest fourteen calendar days after this advertisement. Procurement - FFI, Jl. Cumi-Cumi, No. 15, Kuta Alam Lampriet, Banda Aceh 23121, E-mail: procurementffi@gmail.com

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