
Consultant for Value Chain Analysis, Labour Market and Microfinance Market to Identify Potential Intervention for Youth Economic Empowerment Project

Terms of Reference for Value Chain Analysis, Labour Market and Microfinance Market to Identify Potential Intervention  for Youth Economic Empowerment Project

1. Background
Plan Indonesia is an international organization working in the area of community development and humanitarian aid with a focus on the promotion of children’s rights. Plan’s Child Sponsorship Program is the cornerstone of the organization which marks the beginning of Plan’s work in Indonesia in 1969. At present, Plan works in four provinces (DKI Jakarta, Central Java, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tengara) providing support to 55,000 children and over 400 communities. Plan Indonesia’s Programs cover:
  • Child Protection and Participation (CPP)
  • Disaster Risk Management (DRM)
  • Early Childhood and Care Development (ECCD)
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Youth Economic Empowerment (YEE)
The Youth Economic Empowerment Program integrates life skills, financial education, vocational capacity development, as well as micro business development and microfinance access. It is expected that by the end of this program, young women would have a heightened sense of self-confidence, increased their financial literacy and have more access to decent employment. The YEE Program firstly launched in five villages of Kalimaro, Jumo, Sendangharjo, Padas and Brabo of Grobogan District in 2011 and will continue up to 2014.
Indonesia has the world’s fourth largest youth population with 38 million persons aged 15-24, and faces huge challenges in securing jobs for them. The youth unemployment rate is at a crisis level (53% of the total unemployed) and additionally, 500,000 youth become unemployed annually. The 2010 Gender Gap Report identifies economic participation as the greatest area of inequality in Indonesia. Women face gender pay gaps and occupational segregation. (CEDAW report 2010). The employment rate is at 53.3% for women and 86.2 % for men (UNDP, 2010), and men dominate self-employment and entrepreneurial activities. In TTS and TTU, gender roles are deeply ingrained in the culture. 21.23% of girls have never been to school resulting in girls having fewer job opportunities.  Women often work in agriculture and trade, areas that are informal and poorly paid. The average wage of women is 58% that of men in West Timor and, moreover in TTU 70% of women are unpaid
workers (National Labor Force Survey TTU, 2008). A lack of work opportunities often results in early marriage: in TTS and TTU, 28% of girls marry before the age of 18. These challenges often lead to youth migrating to earn an income (70% of migrants are women), putting them at risk of exploitation: in TTU and TTS, 7,770 girls have recently been identified as victims of child labor and trafficking.  Young women also face high levels of violence (i.e. physical violence: 17%; economic violence: 52% of cases reported; Commission on Violence against Women).

In response to the youth unemployment issues, Plan Indonesia has implemented Youth Economic Empowerment (YEE) program since 2009. YEE is a global program developed by Plan International. The program has the objective to create opportunities and attract investments for youth empowerment and employment. This is done with a clear end-to-end approach in place consisting of four phases: pre-employment, selection, placement and post placement. The program in Indonesia is a first pilot (together with El Salvador) aiming for incorporating key learning and then scaling up the program to other Plan International offices around the world.

YEE particularly target disadvantaged youth and focuses on gender (target: 80% female participants) providing young women aged 15-24 years with knowledge and skills to have the ability and confidence to either enter the labour market or run their own business. The key principles for the program include partnership in order to allow for learning, scale-up, improved technical expertise, and sustainability; sustainability through market driven interventions, evidence based programming, and partnership; scale-upto make a wide impact for disadvantaged youth; gender and inclusion to ensure that young women, child workers, and the marginalized are economically empowered; and youth participation so that youth can have their voices heard. The program consists of four major components including pre-employment competencies; technical and vocational education and training (TVET); microenterprise development (MED); and microfinance.

Plan Indonesia  through “ Young Women’s Economic Empowerment”  program that  funded by European Union  seeks to enhance young women’s economic empowerment and fulfilment of their rights in Indonesia. The  program that starting Feb 1st 2013 – January 31, 2016 has  specific Objectives  i.) To strengthen the policy and economic environment in Indonesia  in favour of young women’s economic empowerment and equality, and ii.) To develop and pilot an integrated approach to training, related services which support gender equality and youth access to decent employment. The project will be  implemented in Jakarta for makro & messo sepecific  objective  ,and in  TTU & TTS  District, NTT  for micro level  with target :
  • 3000  female youth aged 15-29 years,
  • 6000 community members, 
  • 20 members of the ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection,
  • 50 members of gender working groups from the ministries of education, industry,Manpower and cooperative, small and Medium Sized Enterprises, and Social Affairs, 5. ) 2000 employers from the Employer’s Association of Indonesia ( APINDO) through awareness raising,advocacy and capacity building exercises,
  • The Indonesia Youth Employment Network  / IYEN led by National Development Planning Agency
To strengthen  the youth especially 80%  young women in TTU & TTS District, some capacity building will provide  to improve   their ability    to access   decent work / business related with market demand and also access to microfinance TTU and TTS District are areas  where  the majority of population engaged in agriculture sectors. To determine the activities for the youth in developing business, Value Chain analysis will  be conducted to find the potential product/commodities that can be developed  for the youth to enhance the   living standards.


A. Value Chain Analysis : To get information and analysis  of product / services / Commodities in TTU & TTS that can be developed and absorbed the employment potential of young women  employment

B. Microfinance Market Researh : To get an overview the ability of youth and young women to get financial access in  microfinance institution

C. Labour Market Survey : To understand and analyze the youth employment situation/trends in TTU & TTS District.

D. To get recommendation of interventionthat applicable in strengthening implementation strategyin YEE – EC Project
Research Expected Outputs
The expected outputs of each study are as follows:

l. Value Chain Analysis
  • Identification of potential product/ /commodities  in TTU & TTS
  • Identification of  the gap in potential product/ /commodities.
  • Asssessment of youth participation in value chain and determine the youth involvement.
  • Mapping of value-chain for three top high-value crops.
  • Recommendation on how youth can be engaged in value chain analysis exercises and what type of training/support youth need to analyze value chains.
  • Availability of recommendation for Plan’s intervention.
ll. Labour Survey
  • Identification of government policies which are focused and in-line with youth economic  empowerment program.
  • Identification of the industry/business and its supporting business in NTT, especially in TTU & TTS  which are potential for youth employment in TTU & TTS.
  • Identification and recommendation of market driven professions and sectors  through market research which are also interesting for young women and men.
  • Identification of types of skills and qualification levels of workers required by identified employers.
  • Recommendation of job-placementsupport types and services which are needed for young men and women to lower barriers to education and employment.
  • Identification of various vocational school/training providers/embedded busisness services  which offer  skills training related with recomendation  of value chain analysis. Institutes should be categorized in terms of cost, coverage, training facilities, target groups, advantages and disadvantages of partnering with partner in question.
  • Recommendation of key issues for strengthening of the most appropriate local institutes (public/private) in terms of for example revising and/or introducing better training modules, trainer capacity enhancement 
lll. Microfinance Market Research
  • To identify local MFI and availability of product & services for youth & young women in local   Microfinance Institution. Include information on the advantages and disadvantages of these products and financial services and market segmentation.
  • Identification of perception of youth and young women about saving and loan. 
  • Identification the need and key challenges in youth livelihoods development through microfinance support
  • Identification of factors related to gender which affect possibilities for youth to use microfinance products and give recommendations on how microfinance can be used to promote gender equality
  • Identification of various organizations that give microfinance services including operational regions, target groups and poverty levels, available service, as well as methodology used
  • Identification of gap analysis between demand and supply of financial access. 
  • Proposal of tailor-made financial products for marginalized youth especially young women including includes, loan contracts show an amortization schedule that separates principal, interest, fees; define the amount, installment payments plan and other conditions such as fees, late payments and default. 
  • Recommendation of relevant microfinance institutes with which Plan can partner to promote youth friendly financial services
  • Recommendation of alternative forms for providing collateral such as social collateral
  • Recommendation of support and training for microfinance institutes to support financial services especially for young women and men
  • Recommendation of supporting services and needs such as financial literacy training for young women and men.
  • Identification and develop syllabus of training for youth & young women on financial access
Aspect and Variables

The value Chain Analysis, labour market survey and microfinance market research are expected to generate information from several variables. The variables needed to be collected to understand the current situation of supply and demand of potential commodities /product / services in target area. It will guide the consultant to develop the tools that will be applied in the study.
  • Aspects Variables Source of Data / Data Collection Method
  • Demography and general Number of population (disaggregated by sex and age) Secondary data / secondary survey
  • List of potential Commodities/Products/Services Secondary data / secondary survey 
  • List of potential buyer / traders / lead firms/wholeseller Primary data / interview with related actors 
  • List of INGOs and local NGOs working in the district Secondary data / secondary survey 
  • List of the infrastructure & transportation line Secondary data / secondary survey 
  • Government capacity MP3EI Secondary data / interview with district officials 
  • RPJMD of TTU & TTS Secondary data / interview with district officials
Policy for women’s groups  
Gender and Disability Inclusion #  of Disability persons Secondary data / secondary survey
Perception and need of people with disability to assess MFI Primary data / interview with communities, head of villages or head of subdistricts # of Young Women’s group & the opportunities for women Primary data / interview with communities, head of villages or head of subdistricts Micro Finance Institutions, commercial bank Number of micro finance institutions Secondary data / secondary survey Number of rural private bank or commercial bank Secondary data / secondary survey Number of rural government bank Secondary data / secondary survey Number of selfhelp group members or cooperative Secondary data / secondary survey Micro finance Market demand and supply to meet people with disability need in microfinance product Primary and secondary data Micro finance Market demand and supply to meet youth need in microfinance product Primary and secondary data

The consultant is required to propose a suitable survey methodology as specified by this ToR. The survey will be conducted in YEE Program areas where a number of activities have been planned or during the course of the survey, activities are being implemented. And therefore, coordination with PME team, YEE Program Team, TTS and TTU Program Unit Manager and staffs is highly required at all times.  Due to the youth focus of the project, the methodology used should be youth friendly and participatory wherever possible.
During survey, the consultant is expected to perform:
  • Desk-based reviewon existing relevant documents
  • Briefing sessionwith YEE Program Team and Plan Indonesia PME
  • Survey with questionnaires with communities, lead firms / exporters/ wholeseller
  • Focus Group Discussionswith SME (youth, families, communities, YEE Program partners, etc.)
  • Key Informant Interviews particularly in-depth interview with other stakeholders selected to participate in the survey, such as government/village administrators, etc. 
  • Field visitsto villages supported by the program
  • Debriefingwith YEE Program staff and Plan Indonesia PME
The consultant is expected to form a survey team for the evaluation and manage coordination and communication with Plan Indonesia. Tasks and responsibilities of the consultant are as follows:
  • Proposal that detailing the methodology and budget required to conduct the value chain analysis
  • Recruit, train and manage survey teams including enumerators 
  • Propose a proper methodology and discuss the suggestion with Plan Indonesia 
  • Propose tools to be used in the survey and discuss the suggestion with Plan Indonesia 
  • Test the survey tools and methodology (and other technical particulars prior to the implementation of the survey), afterwards make necessary revision by coordinating with Plan Indonesia 
  • Develop a data entry system and management 
  • Supervise field survey implementation 
  • Responsible for field operations, including logistics, permission to conduct the survey, informed consent from individuals and families taking part in the survey 
  • Coordinate with Plan Program Unit in Soe and Kefaduring field survey implementation 
  • Collect, compile and analyse all data gathered and develop a final report on the survey results (including all findings and statistics)
Outputs and Deliverables
The consultant is expected to produce and submit the following deliverables:
  • Survey protocol specifying a detailed survey work plan and proposed survey tools that will be discussed and agreed upon prior to field activity.
  • Presentation of initial findings to YEE Program Team and PME, after field activities have been concluded. 
  • Draft report in English in two weeks’ time after field activities have been concluded.  
  • Presentation of draft report to Plan Indonesia for discussion and feedback. 
  • Submission of a comprehensive final report in English (with one copy of the report in Bahasa) one week after receiving feedback from Plan Indonesia.  
  • Executive Summary (max. five pages) in English describing the survey results.
  • Hardcopies of filled-in questionnaires (if available), interview transcripts and attendance lists, photos and other valuable survey materials.
The Responsibility of Plan Indonesia
Within the study, Plan Indonesia will responsible to:
  • Provide a working contract
  • Provide data and related documents as per consultant’s request
  • Arrange meetings, discussions and field visits for the survey team
·             Provide timely feedback and response on consultant’s survey report
·             Settle payment for the consultant service

Research Time Frame
Duration and indicative of implementation action plan will be 3 months, started from July 24th  2013 to September 30th 2013.

Procedure for Expression of Interest
First Phase: Interested consultant should submit an Expression of Interest to
Hery Nahampun – PME Department Plan Indonesia at: hery.nahampun@plan-international.org and tasnimA.jalil@plan-international.org before 5 pm on July 19th 2013, enclosing the following required documents:
  • Organizational Profile (for institutional consultant) or a CV (for individual consultant). 
  • A proposal containing two parts: 
    • Technical Proposal comprising the description of proposed activities, methodology (sampling design, data collection technique), implementation plan which includes survey schedule and timeline for data analysis. The technical proposal should demonstrate understanding of survey ethic, qualification of survey team members and their CVs, as well as their roles in the survey. The consultant should also describe her/his experience in conducting similar survey, and financial and technical capacity. 
    • Budget Proposal comprising details of budget plan such as consultant and team’s fees, transportation, stationaries and other survey necessities.
Second Phase: Based on received proposals, Plan International Indonesia will shortlist candidates and invite them to present their proposals. Plan International Indonesia will afterwards proceed with selecting and appointing a consultant, and produce a working contract with the select consultant.

Only shortlisted consultant will be contacted for recruitment.

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