
Call For Expressions of Interest from CSOs

Call For Expressions of Interest from CSOs interested in participating in ACTED's CSO capacity building project

The Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED) is a French non-profit organization working in over 30 countries worldwide to provide emergency response, early recovery, and development assistance to communities in need.

ACTED has been active in Indonesia since April 2005, assisting those affected by the tsunami and Nias earthquake and is now working to support livelihoods, community-based disaster risk reduction, and child protection in North Sumatra, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), and elsewhere.
In April 2013 ACTED, in partnership with Indonesian NGO, Kajian Informasi, Pendidikan dan Penerbitan Sumatera (KIPPAS), started a new European Union funded project in Medan entitled "Youth, Journalist, and Civil Society Capacity-Building Project (YJCS-CBP)" As part of this project ACTED will a series of capacity building trainings to four existing CSOs in Medan.
Each of the four selected CSOs will undergo a grassroots capacity building assessment to review their institutional capacity and organizational needs. This will be followed up by 13 tailor-made training sessions and mentoring in the areas of organizational management, financial management, group dynamics and leadership, project cycle management, and external relations for each CSO. ACTED is currently seeking expressions of interest for CSOs wanting to participate in the project.

Who can apply ?
To be considered for support under ACTED's programs, the CSO must:

1. Indonesian legally registered organization - need to submit a copy of Registration

2. Organizations that have demonstrated skills and experience to complete the Application

3. Organizations that have national, regional or state level coverage

4. Work in one of the following fields: election monitoring, democracy, and/or human rights promotion

Any organization wishing to apply should fill out the attached CSO Expression of Interest form (download here<http://www.ziddu.com/download/22364521/CSOCallforExpressionofInterestform_FINAL.docx.html>), attach the required document, and then submitted directly to ACTED's Medan Office: Jln. Sei Serayu no. 97 Medan 20122 or by e-mail to: medan.capacity-building@acted.org<mailto:medan.capacity-building@acted.org>, no later than 5pm on 12th July 2013 (applications received after this date will be automatically rejected). Each CSO can only submit one expression of interest.

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