
Vacancy at USAID PRIORITAS - Teacher Training Institute Development Specialist - East Java

The Indonesia Prioritizing Reform, Innovation, Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers, Administrators, and Students Project (PRIORITAS) is a 5-year project (2012-2017) funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

PRIORITAS will focus on capacity building and quality improvements for teacher training institutions (TTI) 3 and for non-academic, pre-service teacher training providers. PRIORITAS will build the capacity of MONE, MORA and pre-and in-service teacher training organizations to coordinate, plan and train.

PRIORITAS will support teaching improvement at the primary and junior secondary level, especially in early grade reading (EGR), math and science. 

Summary: The Teacher Training Institutes (TTI) Development Specialist is responsible for implementing TTI activities out of the North Sumatra office and will oversee Support Center development, equipment, and strategic planning. The TTI Development Specialist will coordinate and support TTI lecturers in the implementation of their strategic business plans involving the provision of in-service trainings to primary and junior secondary schools. He will also support the adaptation of core modules into pre-service professional development packages. Provincial TTI meetings will be led and organized by the TTI Development Specialist. The Specialist will also work in coordination with the ICT4E Officer in the enrichment of Support Centers with online and electronic instructional resources. This position reports to Teaching and Learning Advisor in Jakarta. This position is located in: East Java, Indonesia.

Essential functions include [but are not limited to]:
  • Provide leadership for the delivery of all Component 1 activities in the province and supervision of all Component 1 staff;
  • Exercise budgetary oversight and contractual compliance for Component 1 expenditures in the province;
  • Work to ensure seamless coordination and consistency with Components 2 and 3 policies, procedures, communications, and activities;
  • Coordinate strategic planning activities with provincial TTIs; 
  • Lead the drafting and subsequent monitoring of MOUs with provincial TTIs for their participation in PRIORITAS;
  • Assist TTIs and local officials in envisioning the role of TTI support centers in supporting in-service and pre-service education;
  • Work with TTI leaders in identifying professional development needs of TTI faculty and working with PRIORITAS partners in shaping professional development activities;
  • Ensure a continuous presence within TTIs and ongoing contact with rectors, deans, and faculty and their participation in cross-provincial meetings such as the University Working Group;
  • Identify and assist provincial TTI faculty who will participate in module development teams and in DBE 2 Refresher, PRIORITAS Direct, and PRIORITAS Replication training teams;
  • Participate in MONE/MORA events relevant to shaping national policies and programs for in-service and pre-service education;
  • Lead the process to identify TTI needs for facilities, equipment, and materials to be provided through PRIORITAS or leveraged through other sources;
  • Lead, in tandem with the Provincial Coordinator other Component specialists, in the selection process of MONE and MORA model and lab schools in conformance with PRIORITAS selection criteria;
  • Work with TTIs in shaping policies and procedures for the support for improved practicum receiving PRIORITAS support;
  • Work with the provincial M&E and Performance Evaluation specialist in data collection, analysis, and reporting for results and indicators pertinent to TTIs;
  • Collaborate with the Jakarta-based Communications team in information gathering from TTI activities for PRIORITAS communications products.
Qualifications and Requirements:
  • Bachelor's Degree or equivalent  with 3-5 years related experience, or
  • Master’s degree or equivalent with 1-3 years relevant experience;
  • Experience in managing educational activities, especially for teacher training;
  • At least 5 years of experience working in an international organization or agency;
  • Ability to manage multiple tasks while attending to details, follow through and efficiency;
  • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work under pressure;
  • Experience working with a USAID funded project is a plus;
  • Excellent writing and verbal communication skills in Bahasa Indonesian and English.
Applicants should apply to prioritas-hire@edc.org not later than 5 July 2013
Materials s/he should include (CV or resume, US government bio-data sheet 1420); recruiting contact (email/cell phone number).
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.  Applicants must clearly list how s/he can be contacted.

Three references are required and should be included in the CV.

This is a local East Java, Indonesia position. 

The salary, currency and benefits (if applicable) follow EDC’s Indonesia policies and standards. 

There is no relocation available with this position.  

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