
The Asia Foundation Vacancy: Promoting Inclusive Development – Positions Available, Indonesia

The Asia Foundation, an international non-governmental organization, seeks applicants for long-term, senior level technical and management positions as we participate in a tender for the Managing Partner of the innovative PNPM Peduli program. PNPM Peduli supports CSOs who work with and for the most marginalized – victims of trafficking and domestic violence, street children and child workers, migrant laborers, poor farmers and landless ethnic minorities, people living with HIV/AIDS, transgender and sexual minorities, children in conflict with the law, etc. The Managing Partner supports Executing Organizations (currently consisting of Kemitraan, ACE and Lakpesdam NU) to provide support to grantees who reach marginalized communities and promote opportunities for engagement in development. We seek qualified applicants for the following positions:
  • Capacity Development Coordinator will lead development of a capacity building strategy and provide technical assistance to partners. S/he will engage with partners to promote good practice, recruit training specialists and coaches, and support exchange visits. S/he will review capacity development activities, and lead planning, monitoring, and implementation of all capacity development activities. S/he will liaise with CSO partners, government officials and other organizations to share learning. Minimal 5 years experience providing technical and organisational capacity development programs to CSOs working with marginalized communities. S2 in a related field. Demonstrated understanding of capacity needs of CSOs working with marginalized communities, experience with multi-stakeholder processes, and demonstrated experience with policy research, advocacy, community mobilization and/or relevant target groups.
  • Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Specialist will lead implementation of a quality monitoring, evaluation and reporting system for PNPM Peduli. S/he will implement methodologies, standards and tools for M&E of program activities, support partners to deliver accurate results, review work plans, identify training needs and provide ongoing support as needed. S/he will conduct routine data audits, collate and analyze M&E data, consolidate reports, support learning and provide advice to address performance issues. S/he will develop presentations and reports based on findings, and contribute to annual planning, review and learning events. Minimum 5 years relevant experience in M&E tools. S1 in related discipline. Experience working with CSOs in M&E, demonstrated ability to transfer knowledge and motivate CSOs, experience supporting the reporting requirements of donors. 
  • Financial Management Specialist will support the effective implementation of fiduciary aspects of the program and manage the overall budget. S/he will spotcheck grantees to ensure adherence to financial requirements, and manage capacity-building support including the development of tools. S/he will maintain financial systems to track costs, monitor partner internal controls, ensure timely financial reporting, coordinate grantee financial reviews and audits, and ensure that all partner financial reports are completed as required. Minimum 5 years experience in grants management, preferably with small CSOs. S1 in Accounting, or MBA/CPA. Excellent Excel spreadsheet skills. Familiarity with World Bank financial and procurement procedures preferable.
All positions require excellent interpersonal, verbal, written and cross-cultural communication skills, and sufficient fluency in reading, writing and speaking English and Indonesian to perform the above tasks. Qualified applicants should email a cover letter indicating the position they are interested in, and a resume to hrd@tafindo.org with the subject heading PNPM Peduli. The Asia Foundation is an equal opportunity employer. Application Deadline is June 30, 2013. Project is anticipated to start in November 2013.

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