
Seeking Researcher - Survey Specialist For Nutrition Impact Evaluation

Generasi+ impact evaluation

Mathematica Policy Researchand its Center for International Policy Research and Evaluation(CIPRE) are currently bidding on an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of a $131 million maternal and child health project, known as Generasi+, in Indonesia. This project is funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation(MCC), a US government aid agency. As a precursor to project implementation, MCC signed a compactwith the Government of Indonesia (GoI) in November 2011, and project implementation is expected to start in the next few months.Generasi+ will include a wide range of supply and demand-side interventions to improve maternal and child health outcomes, especially stunting, including
  • Support for the existing GoI program PNPM Generasi, including block grant funding that is a standard part of the program, and adding a 13th indicator to Generasi, intended to increase parental participation in nutritional group counseling sessions and encourage communities to focus efforts on improving nutrition to avoid stunting. (Generasi has been evaluated before, eg, see here, but not with a such a strong nutrition focus.)
  • Training providers and facilitators at the district, health center, and community levels will gain knowledge on how to appropriately prevent and treat maternal and child malnutrition.
  • Sanitation and hygiene activities (triggering events), that will increase awareness about sanitation and hygiene to encourage proper sanitation and hygiene behavior and reduce the prevalence of diarrhea. This is based on the Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) model, which involves community-level sanitation triggering events to motivate sanitation behavior change.
  • The provision of micronutrient packets to pregnant women and to babies between 6 and 24 months of age, for the first two years of project implementation.
  • The provision of length-taking equipment, and training service providers on the correct techniques for measuring the length of infants
  • Incentives to health service providers to improve performance in health centers. 
The evaluation will be a randomized control trial, and include 220 kecamatan across Central and West Kalimantan and South Sumatra.

Purpose of the Consultancy

Mathematica seeks a consultant to join the impact evaluation team as a researcher, survey specialist and/or program manger based in Indonesia.

Scope of work

The consultant will assume the following responsibilities, spending on her/his skills and ability
  • Serve as the main point of contact for the evaluation based in Indonesia (location flexible although Jakarta is preferred)
  • Liaise between the GoI, MCC, Mathematica and a host of other government and non-government stakeholders about the intent and purpose of the evaluation, and to learn about project implementation plans and challenges.
  • Work with Mathematica colleagues to design the impact evaluation and surveys. 
  • Work with a survey firm hired by MCC to provide survey quality control during survey planning, implementation and data cleaning. 
  • Clean and analyze data, and write analytical reports (depending on consultant’s experience and capacity)
  • Assist in presenting research findings to GoI and other stakeholders
Selection Criteria
  • Minimum of B.A. in a social or natural science. Relevant subjects include nutrition, epidemiology, community-driven development, economics, sociology  and statistics. Masters or PhD preferred.
  • Minimum 3 years of relevant working experience
  • Experience conducting field work, especially survey research, in Indonesia. Experience with surveys related to PNPM-Generasi, Susenas or IFLS is  especially useful.
  • Experience working with GoI stakeholders and international organizations 
  • Knowledge of nutrition programs in Indonesia
  • Strong written and spoken English skills
  • Willingness to travel extensively across Indonesia, especially in Central and West Kalimantan and South Sumatra
  • Other useful skills
  • Knowledge of econometrics and statistical analysis techniques necessary for impact analysis
  • Data skills and familiarity with statistical methods and standard econometric software packages, especially Stata
  • Experience using large-scale quantitative survey data
  • Ability to interpret and present statistical information
Timing of assignment

If Mathematica were to be awarded this contract, the consultant would begin work as soon as the contract with MCC is awarded. This could be as early as July or as late as September 2013. Mathematica’s contract with MCC would likely be for five years. The consultant would ideally be available to work full-time the first year, and perhaps less than full-time in sub sequent years, depending on evaluation needs, with the greatest needs during survey work. How ever, Mathematica is willing to work around the consultant’s needs and schedule, depending on her/his skills, background and interests.


Mathematica would compensate the consultant with a daily rate consistent with the candidate’s salary history and commensurate with local salaries paid by international organizations in Indonesia.

All interested candidates should write to Amanda Beatty at  abeatty@mathematica-mpr.com or call +1-617-674-8373

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