
Vacancy at Indonesia Climate Change Center

ICCC Manager The National Council on Climate Change (Dewan Nasional Perubahan Iklim, DNPI) with the cooperation and support from the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), is seeking for an ICCC Manager to support the Indonesia Climate Change Center (ICCC).

President Obama and President Yudhoyono announced the creation of a Climate Change Center in 2010 as part of the U.S.-Indonesia bilateral Comprehensive Partnership. The Indonesia Climate Change Center (hereafter called the “Center”) is envisioned to be a mechanism to mobilize Indonesia’s scientific community and coordinate technical input to address pressing climate change policy priorities. Through an agreement with the U.S. Department of State, Office of Environment and Science Affairs, the USFS is assisting the National Climate Change Council (DNPI) to establish the Indonesia Climate Change Center (ICCC), which will focus initially on addressing carbon emissions from forests and peatlands and ultimately will address science related to policy development in the areas of Low Emissions Development Strategies (LEDS), Monitoring, Reporting and Validation (MRV) and Climate Resilience.

Indonesia Climate Change Center (ICCC) comprises three key institutional elements: (1) Secretariat as a facilitator of the Center, (2) Steering Committee as a body to direct as well as advise strategically of center operation, (3) Research Clusters, consisting of Low Emission Development Strategies, Peatland and Mapping, Climate Resilience and MRV for Climate Programs, as supportive entities in building science-based policy and programs development.

The Coordinating Minister of Social Welfare has issued the Ministerial Decree No. 52/2012 regarding the Coordination Team for the establishment of Pusat Perubahan Iklim Nasional (ICCC), chaired by Coordinating Minister of Social Welfare together with Head of BPPT and Executive Chair of DNPI. The Coordination Team is responsible for the planning of ICCC establishment that includes the institutional and legal arrangement, administrative, finance and human resources. 

In support of this, The National Council on Climate Change under the cooperation with the US Forest Service is seeking an overall Indonesian Climate Change Center (ICCC) Manager to guide the design and operation of a Climate Change Center in Indonesia and to secure its future institutional legal framework. The role of the ICCC Manager will be to lead the development and implementation of the Center’s overall program of work. The ICCC Manager will be responsible for day-to-day supervision of staff, monitoring the Center budget and ensuring results.

Management Arrangements ICCC Manager will report to the Oversight Committee in charge of ICCC and receive guidance from them.

Tasks and Deliverables
The Manager will work with ICCC team and Oversight Committee to facilitate the ongoing development and operation of the Climate Change Center, specifically:  
  • Coordinating the implementation of Center Cluster programs of work
  • Managing Center Secretariat staff, including establishment of individual work plans, monitoring and providing support and feedback
  • Initiating team planning activities and discussions to ensure DNPI and USFS team coordination
  • Participating in strategic USG/GOI discussions about technical work
  • Developing, monitoring and enabling implementation of Center business plan
  • Ensuring timely and high quality delivery of Center products
  • Preparing and setting the agenda for monthly Oversight Committee meetings and ensuring adequate information is available for decision making
  • Closely coordinating with related Indonesian Government Agencies to develop the institutional and legal arrangements of ICCC
  • Providing regular program and financial reports to Center Oversight Committee
  • Building a plan for long term Center sustainability
Required Skills and Experience
  • Master's Degree and/or PhD in relevant science or policy field 
  • At least 10 years professional experience and demonstrated management experience
  • Ability to forge strong collaborative networks across agencies and institutions in Indonesia
  • Familiarity with Indonesian Government operations and agencies
  • Demonstrated ability to effectively interact with GoI representatives
  • Experience working as part of a team and collaborative interpersonal skills
  • Ability to navigate complex government and donor systems and dynamics
  • Familiarity with the Climate Change sector in Indonesia
  • Strong planning, project management and organizational skills
  • Resilient and adaptable to changing work circumstances and conditions 
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Native speaker of Indonesian language and ability to speak and understand English 
Appointment 6 months contract with possibility of extension.

Note Please send application letter addressing the above qualifications  and experience with your curriculum vitae latest on May 24, 2013 to ICCC Secretariat, Ms. Eryka ( info@iccc-network.net)

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