
USAID IUWASH Job Vacancy: HR Officer based in Jakarta

The Indonesia Urban Water Sanitation and Hygiene (IUWASH) project is a sixty-month program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented under the leadership of Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI). USAID IUWASH works with government, the private sector, NGOs, community groups and other stakeholders to improve access to safe water supply and sanitation in Indonesia’s urban areas. The overall goal of USAID IUWASH is to assist the Government of Indonesia (GOI) in making significant progress in achieving its safe water and sanitation Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets by expanding access to these services. The expected results to be achieved are: 2 million people in urban areas gain access to improved water supply; 200,000 people in urban areas gain access to improved sanitation facilities; and the per unit water cost paid by the poor in targeted areas decreases by at least 20%. To achieve the above, assistance provided by the project is divided under three main technical components, including:
  • Mobilizing demand for water supply and sanitation service delivery;
  • Improving and expanding capacity for water and sanitation service delivery; and
  • Strengthening policy and the financial enabling environment for improved water supply and sanitation service delivery.
The Human Resources Officer role is vital to ensuring all aspects of human resources management are carried out, including meeting all recruitment needs, overseeing benefits administration, coordinating Performance Appraisal and end-of-service processes, and ensuring that DAI remains compliant with both USAID regulations and local labor law.

  • Assisting senior project management in establishing personnel policies and ensuring that such policies are: in accordance with Indonesian labor law; fully accessible to and understood by staff (through frequent training and review); and enforced equally throughout the project.
  • Establishing and overseeing systems for:
    • Meeting project recruitment needs, including advising on the recruitment process, placing advertisements, facilitating interviews, checking references, and preparing required back-up documentation;
    • Establishing and regularly reviewing remuneration scales.
    •  Compiling and verifying EBDs and other approval documentation for new staff.
    • Negotiating rates when requested and providing rate justifications for candidates.
    • Processing employment agreements for new hires or extensions, including ensuring their registration with the: project’s health insurance carrier; IT department for computer and email access; finance department for payroll administration; etc.
    • Monitoring time sheet completion and the tracking of staff leave, as necessary.
    • Collecting/verifying necessary personnel documentation and maintaining complete files for each employee;
    •  Maintaining hardcopy and electronic filing and database systems for all of the above, while ensuring the confidentiality of all HR information.
    • Monitoring each positions SOW and aligned with the business requirements.
  • Overseeing the administration and regular review of project’s personnel benefits programs, including the choice of vendor for insurance and similar programs.
  • Overseeing the annual Employee Performance Appraisal process.
  • Assisting and advising in all personnel disciplinary actions to ensure the application of best practice and full compliance with Indonesian labor law.
  • Assist program management in the termination process, including the notification of termination, termination packages, and close-out letters.
  • Work closely and collaboratively with other senior staff and departments.
  • Assist senior manager in development of salary structure and maintain it in day to day basis for hiring or mutation and maintain it in annual basis if required
  • Develop training program to assist staff in increasing professional skills.
The Human Resources Officer will be based in Jakarta with some travel to other IUWASH locations to assist in personnel-related matters.  The Human Resources Officer will report to the Operations Manager as Primary Supervisor and to the Chief of Party as Secondary Supervisor.

An undergraduate degree in an applicable field and a minimum of seven years of experience in Human Resources Management.  Demonstrated understanding of Indonesian labor law. English Language Skills.  Good computer skills, including Microsoft office, internet, and email. Experience with USAID programs desirable.

Interested applicants are invited to send a complete application with 3 references to IUWASH.recruitment@gmail.com by June 9, 2013 at 05.00 PM Jakarta time. Please write “HRO” in the subject line of the email. We regret that we are unable to acknowledge receipt of all applications and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

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