
BPK Short Movies Production & Distribution - Request for Proposal

RFP 13.204 "BPK Short Movies Production and Distribution" MSI SIAP-1 USAID

Strengthening and Accountability Program I (SIAP-I) is a five-year program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Management Systems International (MSI).

SIAP-1 is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced service providers for the design, video production, and distribution of approximately three short (15-minutes) public service-oriented fictionalized films.

The short movies production process will include identifying and developing story lines reflecting three identified BPK (Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan) audit reports, producing the three short movies, and then distributing them to the public with the estimated cost US$ 200,000.

BPK seeks to highlight its work in key development areas: School Operational Funding (Dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah/BOS); State funding of Hajj (pilgrimage); and Migrant Workers.

The movies are not expected to be a straight report on BPK's audit findings, nor a promotional product for the agency. Rather, Offerors are expected to provide creative concepts that educate the public about the importance of public audits and their findings in matters that impact their everyday lives.

The deadline for offers is 25 April 2013 at 3:00pm (Jakarta time) Thursday,. Only organizations eligible to be awarded USAID subcontracts will be considered. In order to be evaluated for award, vendors must have a demonstrated satisfactory record of Past Performance; ability to commence all work related to the short movie production and distribution within three weeks of award. Submissions must be directed to procurement@msi-siap.com<mailto:procurement@msi-siap.com> with cc: to: contracts@msi-inc.com<mailto:contracts@msi-inc.com>.

MSI and BPK will hold a pre-award conference on 15 April 2013 at 10:00am to explain details of this RFP and answer Offeror's questions. Offerors are requested to pre-register their intended participation in the conference before 11 April 2013 by e-mail to: procurement@msi-siap.com<mailto:procurement@msi-siap.com>

Any questions/clarifications must be sent to: procurement@msi-siap.com<mailto:procurement@msi-siap.com> with cc to: jfreer@msi-inc.com<mailto:jfreer@msi-inc.com> before 3:00pm Jakarta time on Thursday, 11 April 2013. Interested Offerors are encouraged to register at procurement@msi-siap.com<mailto:procurement@msi-siap.com> before the question submission deadline to ensure they receive the compiled answers.

To obtain the complete document of Request for Proposal (RFP) please request by e-mail to: procurement@msi-siap.com<mailto:procurement@msi-siap.com>

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