
Vacancy: Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist - Programa Nasional Dezenvolvimentu Suku

*Support Services to the National Program for Suco Development*

*(Programa Nasional Dezenvolvimentu Suku - PNDS)*


The *Programa Nasional Dezenvolvimentu Suku *(PNDS), or *National Program for Village Development*, is a new, nation-wide community development program of the Government of Timor-Leste. Launched in June 2012 and valued at $300 million over 8 years from 2014, it will contribute to rural development by funding the 'missing link' to services - basic village infrastructure - and provide jobs and training.

The Government will provide each village with an annual grant of around US$50,000 to plan, construct and manage their own small-scale infrastructure projects.

An Inter-Ministerial Committee and Technical Working Group have been established to develop PNDS, representing key ministries (Finance, State Administration, Health, Education, Agriculture, Public Works and the National Development Agency). A PNDS Secretariat within the Ministry of State Administration supports these bodies and will be responsible for the implementation of PNDS. The program is due to be field tested in 30 sukus in 2013 and implementation will commence in all 442 sukus in late 2013.

The government has requested Australia (through AusAID) to support PNDS. Through its Interim Governance for Development Program, AusAID is currently assisting the government to design the program, train program personnel and implement a field test. A new AusAID program, the PNDS Support Program, is currently being designed to support the Government of Timor-Leste with the implementation of PNDS from 2014.

The 'PNDS team' referred to below is intended to mean GoTL officials directing and managing PNDS, and the members of AusAID, development partners and contracted staff supporting GoTL to design and implement PNDS.

*Key activities*
  • Conduct an Evaluability (or Readiness) Assessment at a time when the PNDS team and partners are ready and able to clearly articulate the outcomes of the initiatives. The M&E Specialist is expected to be familiar with this form of assessment. At a minimum this would include:
    • a review of the expected end-of-program outcomes and robustness of the program logic
    • articulation of stakeholder decisions and information needs including key evaluation questions
    • review of the availability and quality of existing data sources
    • review of the capacity of the PNDS team or other relevant stakeholders to collect, analyse and report on data
    • articulation of the resources and budget available to conduct M&E for the program.
  • Using a participatory approach and working in collaboration with the Government of Timor-Leste (GoTL), AusAID and the World Bank, design a monitoring and evaluation framework (plan) that meets the expectations of GoTL, AusAID and international standards of practice in M&E. The Plan will be phased into implementation during 2013, in tandem with the PNDS program being phased in, from field test to full implementation. AusAID M&E Standards are available from Cardno on request. These are based on standards such as the DAC Evaluation Quality Standards and the Joint Committee Standards (available at HERE)
  • Identify where the PNDS team will require on-going M&E technical support, and where they will be expected to implement the M&E plan themselves.
  • Provide regular support to the implementation of the M&E Plan (according to the resourcing provided), including support to GoTL to coordinate the contributions of partners. The focus ought to be on the on-going design of M&E activities; assuring the quality of the M&E system implementation; and providing technical support for the collection, analysis and interpretation of data where more advanced skills are required.
  • Identify what capacity is required by the PNDS team to implement the M&E Plan. Develop a simple capacity building plan to develop relevant skills and ensure that there is an enabling environment in place to implement the M&E Plan.
  • Supervise planning for, and compilation of, PNDS progress reports that meet the requirements of GoTL, AusAID and other primary users of the information. An evidence-based, timely contribution to GoTL and AusAID reporting requirements should be prepared where requested. Reports must reflect an analytical contribution where the implications of findings are explored, not simply reported. The following types of questions ought to be answered in progress reports: What is the current situation? What are the inhibiting or facilitating factors that have led to this situation? What are the implications for the program? What have been, or are planned management responses to this situation?
  • Contribute to the intellectual development of the initiative during implementation. Working as a facilitator, support the PNDS team and other relevant stakeholders to interpret and respond to M&E findings over the life of the initiative.
*Selection Criteria*


1. A post graduate degree that has included a research dissertation component. Alternatively, evidence of training in *advanced* research or evaluation design, conduct and management. Short professional development courses in M&E are not considered advanced training.

2. Ten plus years' experience developing M&E systems for projects in resource constrained settings. This is required to ensure that the proposed M&E systems are feasible in the context. If the candidate does not have experience in resource constrained settings, then they need to be able to articulate strategies to deal with this while maintaining a sufficient degree of rigour proportionate to the level of decisions likely to be made.

3. Demonstrated practical experience in research or evaluation design, conduct, and management. This experience should reflect expertise in developing a fully elaborated design of an M&E system which includes the design approach, articulation of M&E questions, development of sound methods and tools, conduct of data collection activities, analysis of data (or supervision of such), interpretation and dissemination of results and report preparation. Development of an M&E plan only that has not been implemented by the candidate would not be considered adequate experience.

4. Demonstrated ability to breakdown and communicate complex concepts simply with a range of stakeholders in multi-cultural settings.

5. Demonstrated ability to develop and deliver M&E capacity building activities for PNDS teams. This may include national partners.

6. Demonstrated ability to facilitate learning from, and response to, M&E findings with PNDS teams and other relevant stakeholders.

7. Demonstrated ability and willingness to work collaboratively with program partners to implement a shared plan, including Government officials, bilateral, multilateral and NGO partners.


1. Language skills in Tetun and/or Bahasa Indonesia.

2. Demonstrated experience in the delivery of development projects. This is required to ensure that the consultant is sensitive to the difficulties of implementing development projects in complex settings, that the design is feasible and value for money, and that the M&E systems meet the needs of all relevant stakeholders.

3. Demonstrated on-going membership of a domestic or international evaluation society, or other demonstrated commitment to keeping up to date with the theoretical and practice developments in the field of evaluation.

*Adviser Remuneration Framework*

Discipline Group C Job Level 3, Long Term Adviser (LTA)

More information about the Adviser Remuneration Framework (ARF) can be found HERE:

*Reporting relationships*

This position forms part of the PNDS Support Services Program. The successful applicant will be part of the Design and Policy Unit, a multi-disciplinary team that provides support to the Government of Timor-Leste, AusAID and Cardno in the planning and implementation of PNDS. The adviser will maintain a strong working relationship with GoTL, AusAID and World Bank counterparts.

Reports to:

· Senior Management Coordinator, Design and Policy Unit (for duties involving PNDS Secretariat, government field test and GoTL)

· Operations Manager (for duties involving PNDS Support Program) Number of direct reports: 1-2 national staff based in the PNDS Secretariat

*Position status*

Approved for the period April 2013 - February 2014


AusAID Governance for Development Program

*How to apply for this position*

ESSENTIAL: Applications must include:

1. Response against each of the essential and desirable selection criteria.

2. Curriculum vitae/resume.

3. Name and contact details (phone and email) of three referees.

Applications that do not address all the requirements stated above will not be considered.

*Submitting applications*

Email your application *with the reference "PNDS - D9 M&E Specialist" in the subject line *to* *recruitment@gfd.tl.

*For further information about this position: *

*Email *recruitment@gfd.tl* with the reference "PNDS - D9 M&E Specialist" in the subject line. *

Closing date: 5.00pm 24 March 2013.

*Late applications will not be considered.*

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