
Land Based Mitigation Window Assistant for ICCTF, Jakarta


The Government of Indonesia established the Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) decree in September 2009. The ICCTF shall be nationally managed, and is part of the Government’s commitment to implement the Jakarta Commitment to enhance national ownership and improve aid coordination in response to climate change.

In this framework, the Government and UNDP shall jointly establish and implement the projecttitled “Preparatory Arrangement for the Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund
(PREP-ICCTF)”. Under Terms of the signed Letter of Agreement (September 2009),
the objectives of the Project shall be to:
  • Provide support to priority climate change initiatives as prioritized by the Government, during an interim period, while the ICCTF is being established;
  • Provide support and development for establishment of the ICCTF; and 
  • Support capacity development needs of the Government of Indonesia for the efficient and effective implementation of the ICCTF.
PREP-ICCTF shall enable the Government and ICCTF governance entities to gradually assume full operational responsibility of the national trust fund.
The ICCTF Secretariat, which also acts as the PREP-ICCTF Project Management Unit, has been operational since February 2010. The Secretariat has started administering the trust fund operationally and supports the functions of the ICCTF Steering Committee and Technical Committee. ICCTF operates in three thematic windows, namely: land based mitigation, energy,and resilience and adaptation.

ICCTF governance is currently finalizing the transition and sustainability plan of ICCTF toward a National Trust Fund setup, and preparing an advancement of ICCTF Secretariat function by establishing new units to anticipate the upcoming more complex functions and work loads of ICCTF operation.

Land Based Mitigation Window is one of the three thematic windowsfor financing high-priority and strategic initiatives designed to achieve the national priorities of GHG emission reductionparticularly in forestry and peatland and sustainable natural resources management, while contributing to the global efforts aimed to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Under the guidance and supervision of the Forestry Window Developer and the National Project Manager (NPM) of PREP-ICCTF, the Land Based Mitigation Window Assistant is responsible to support the activities, project appraisal and funded project implementation in Land Based Mitigation Window. The Land Based Mitigation Window Assistant will report to the Forestry Window Developer.

The Land Based Mitigation Window Assistant works in close collaboration with the Monitoring and Evaluation Developer of PREP-ICCTF, the Communication Developer of PREP-ICCT, the Project Associate of PREP-ICCTF, UNDP, Bappenas, executing agencies, and other line ministries on ICCTF operation as required for the administrative or documentation issues and exchange of information. 

He/she shall also work hand-in-hand with the NPM of PREP-ICCTF to support the effective implementation of the PREP-ICCTF project as requested and appropriate, including such tasks as the preparation and implementation of ICCTF transition toward a National Trust Fund arrangement. 

  • Supporting NPM and Land Based mitiation Window Officer incoordination of activities and stakeholders ofLand Based Mitigation Window, focusing on achievement of the following results:
    • Supporting the NPM and the Land Based Mitigation Window Expert of PREP-ICCTF in coordinating activities of Land Based Mitigation Window that involve relevant stakeholders of line ministries/agencies, independent experts, academia/researchers, CSO/NGOs, and private sectors.
    • Support the data compilation and preparation for the review of achievements and lessons learnt of forestry and peatland pilot project.
    • Supporting the Land Based Mitigation Window Expert and NPM of PREP-ICCTF in developing a pipeline of innovative and qualified project proposals from potential beneficiaries.
    • Prepariondraft of documents of ICCTF institutional development such as revision/improvement of SOP, Investment Strategy, Business Plan and Transition Plan
  • Supporting NPM and Land Based mitiation Window Officer in coordination of project appraisal and project implementation in Land Based Mitigation Window, focusing on achievement of the following results:
    • Effective coordination with the Experts on the whole process of project appraisal in Energy Window for the new batch ICCTF funding.
    • Development and preparation of application package for the Call for Proposal in Land Based Mitigation Window
    • Implementation of trainings/workshops/discussions on technical substance of project document development with the potential or shortlisted project proponents in Land Based Mitigation Window.
    • Overseeing the implementation of ICCTF funded projects in Land Based Mitigation Window.
    • Timely data compilation and preparation of monitoring and evaluation reports
  • Contributes toICCTF institutional development and support to ICCTF Secretariat particularly on the Land Based Mitigation Window, focusing on achievement of the following results:
    • Under coordination of NPM of PREP-ICCTF, support the efforts to outreach and involve ICCTF beneficiaries which include: line ministries/agencies, local government, academia, non-government organizations, and private sector association. 
    • Contribution to various meetings, workshops, trainings and other functions related to ICCTF.
    • Provide supports required for the operation of the ICCTF Secretariat.
  • Supports knowledge building and knowledge sharing focusing on achievement of the following results:
    • Participation in the trainings for the operations/ projects staff. 
    • Synthesis of lessons learned and best practices in project support management function.
    • Contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice.
Functional Competencies:         

Advocacy/Advancing A Policy-Oriented Agenda Level 1.1: Support the preparation of information for advocacy
  • Knowledge and understanding of evaluation and development evaluation in particular.
  • Identifies relevant information for advocacy for a variety of audiences
Results-Based Programme Development and Management Level 1.1: Contributing to results through provision of information
  • Provides information and documentation on specific stages of projects/programme implementation
Building Strategic Partnerships  Level 1.1: Maintaining information and databases
  • Analyzes general information and selects materials in support of partnership building initiatives
Promoting Organizational Learning and Knowledge Sharing Level 1.1: Basic research and analysis
  • Researches best practices and poses new, more effective ways of doing things
  • Promotes knowledge management in the ICCTF Secretariat and a learning environment through leadership and personal example.
Job Knowledge/Technical Expertise Level 1.1: Fundamental knowledge of processes,
methods and procedures
  • Understands the main processes and methods of work regarding to the position
  • Possesses basic knowledge of organizational policies and procedures relating to the position and applies them consistently in work tasks
  • Demonstrates good knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments
Global Leadership and Advocacy for UNDP’s Goals Level 1.1: Research and analysis
  • Identifies relevant information for advocacy for UNDP’s goals for a variety of audiences
Client Orientation Level 1.1:  Maintains effective client relationships
  • Reports to internal and external clients in a timely and appropriate fashion
  • Organizes and prioritizes work schedule to meet client needs and deadlines
  • Establishes, builds and sustains effective relationships within the work unit and with internal and external clients
  • Responds to client needs promptly

Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent in Environmental Studies, Forestry, Agriculture, or other relevant discipline.

Minimum 4 years working experience in the fieldsof forestry, agriculture and climate change, environment and development at nationalor international level. 
  • It would be desirable for the successful applicant to have Experience in peatland research related to forestry and agriculture sectors.
  • Hands-on experience in liaising and working with government institution, non-government organization and university in developing the project proposal and managing the project.
  • Work experience with Bappenas and trust fund management institution will be a significant advantage.
  • Experience in the use of computers and office software packages and database software packages. 
Proficient in Bahasa Indonesia and English language, spoken and written.

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