
Computing Instructor in PHP & MySQL Programming for BNPB in Jakarta - Indonesia

Computing Instructor in PHP & MySQL Programming for the Indonesian Disaster Management Agency in Jakarta-Indonesia


The Australia-Indonesia Facility for Disaster Reduction (AIFDR) represents Australia's largest bilateral commitment to reducing the impact of disasters and is a key part of Australia's development program in Indonesia. The AIFDR works in close partnership with the Indonesian Disaster Management Agency, BNPB, and focuses on enhancing Indonesia's capacity to identify, mitigate and respond to risks from natural disasters.

AIFDR has been operational since April 2009 and was officially launched by the Australian and Indonesian Foreign Ministers in July 2010. Since the establishment of AIFDR, gradually some AusAID funded-disaster risk reduction programs were shifted from the dissolved Disaster Management Unit to AIFDR.

One of the existing commitment is Capacity Development Support Programme (CDSP).


Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana or the Indonesian Disaster Management Agency was inaugurated by Presidential Decree in 2008 and established as a key national disaster management agency responsible for coordinating and conducting pre-disaster, response, and posting in accordance with the National Disaster Management Law No. 24 Year 2007.

Head of BNPB reports directly to the President of Indonesia and comprised of Main Secretariat, four main divisions: - 1) Prevention and Preparedness; 2) Emergency Management; 3) Rehabilitation and Reconstruction; 4) Logistics and Equipment, and two main units: Centre for Education and Training (PUSDIKLAT), and the Centre for Data, Information, and Public Relations (PUSDATINMAS).


Computing Instructor in PHP and MySQL Programming

The ultimate objective of this work is to ensure that System Development Staff within Information Division of PUSDATINMAS, BNPB, has capacity to develop, deploy, and debug practical-based PHP applications with MySQL engine.

The General Duties and Reporting Line

The Computing Instructor in PHP and Oracle PL/SQL Programming will develop lesson plans and deliver in-class tutorials based on agreed curriculum and course objectives. The position is expected to deliver high-quality tutorial service and client-oriented support to the participants in professional and culturally friendly manner. On weekly basis, the position will report progress of each participants to the ICT Interoperability Advisor.

Due to the working nature of the organization and to achieve capacity knowledge and skills, the instructor is required to adjust lesson plans based on individual progress. Successful delivery of the curriculum and its course objectives, however, must be completed on time.

Term of Employment

This Computing Instructor in PHP and MySQL Programming will have an initial appointment for nine months starting April 2013 until August 2013 with a one month probation period. A possible extension will be provided based on performance review and the future requirements of BNPB.


The position is required to deliver trainings in the client's office located in Jakarta.

The Selection Criteria

Essential Criteria:
  • Strong fundamentals in PHP programming
  • Strong fundamentals in MySQL Programming
  • Ability to develop PHP applications with MySQL database on-the-fly
  • Proven two years teaching or working experience in developing PHP applications with MySQL back-end
  • Fluent in Indonesian and English language
Desirable Criteria:
  • Professional and very patient
  • Working knowledge with Oracle Server 10g or later versions
  • Overseas graduate
  • No prior working experience in government
Estimated Max Fee (gross)

IDR 1.000.000/session


Please submit the C.V. in two languages and in electronic versions (either DOC, DOCX, or PDF), and send to: cdsphradmin@hklogistics.com.au

In the subject of your e-mail, type: "APPLICATION – Trainer PHP – <NAME>"

Deadline for application is Thursday, March 28, 2013.

Female applicants are highly encouraged to apply for the position.

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