
Procurement Advisor - Procurement Service Units - Indonesia

Solicitation Number:MCC13RFQ0048Notice Type: Combined Synopsis/SolicitationSynopsis:Added: Feb 11, 2013 10:45 amMCC-13-RFQ-0048


  • This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information including in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; quotes are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. The Solicitation number is MCC-13-RFQ-0048 and is issued as a Request for Quotations (RFQ). This solicitation document incorporates all mandatory commercial item provisions and clauses that are in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2005-65, Effective January 29, 2013.
  • The North American Industrial Classification Systems (NAICS) code is 541611 and the small business size standard is $14 million.
  • FAR Clauses 52.212-1 through 52.212-5 apply to this procurement. The exact text and wording of clauses and provisions may be obtained from the Internet at http://acquisition.gov/far/index.html. The Government contemplates the award of a Time and Materials Order resulting from this solicitation. NOTE: An Addendum to FAR clause 52.212-4 Contract Terms and Conditions-Commercial Items, (Alt I) is attached.
  • The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is a U.S. Government corporation whose mission is to provide assistance that will support economic growth and poverty reduction in carefully selected countries that demonstrate a commitment to just and democratic governance economic freedom, and investments in their citizenry. For more information on the MCC, please visit www.mcc.gov.
  • THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS FOR AN INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT AND IS NOT FOR INDIVIDUALS SEEKING EMPLOYMENT DIRECT WITH MCC. PLEASE VISIT: http://www.irs.gov/business/small/index.html FOR INFORMATION REGARDING INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS. Note: MCC will assist the consultant in coordinating with an Independent Contractor Engagement Services Provider for payroll, travel, international travel insurance, etc., therefore, a DUNS number and registration in System for Award Management (SAMS) is not required.
  • Description of Services: The East Asia, Pacific, and Latin America Region of MCC's Department of Compact Operations is seeking multiple Procurement Advisors, on a consultancy basis, to help LKPP prepare to implement Phase One of the Procurement Modernization Project. The Consultants will work with LKPP counterparts to help identify pilot procurement service units (PSUs/ULPs), encourage participation in the Procurement Modernization Project, and support how to apply and adapt elements of the project within the circumstances of each PSU. 
The scope of the Consultant's work will include, but will not be limited to, building interest and support for participating in the MCC-funded project, and negotiating and documenting agreement between LKPP and the pilot procurement service units that outline the commitments of both sides.
  • This combined synopsis and solicitation notice is a request for competitive quotations. Therefore, all quotations received prior to the RFQ close date will be considered.
  • The Government will award an order to the responsible independent consultants(s) whose quote conforming to this notice represents the best value in terms of technical criteria, past performance and price. All non-price factors (technical criteria and past performance) are more important than price. If options are included, quotes will be evaluated by adding the total price for all options to the total price for the basic requirement. Evaluation of options shall not obligate the Government to exercise the options(s).
  • Evaluation Factors. Only quotes which meet the mandatory technical evaluation criteria will be considered. 
Technical Criteria

The consultant shall have the following qualifications:
  • Undergraduate degree in Business Administration, Economics, Accounting and Finance, Public Administration, Supply Chain Management, Logistics or field relevant to tasks of this assignment. MANDATORY. 
  • Must have minimum five years professional experience in tasks that are relevant to the activities in this assignment and that demonstrate that the consultant possesses the knowledge and skills to perform this assignment successfully. MANDATORY.
  • Excellent oral and written English communication skills, including demonstrated experience and ability to interact effectively with a wide variety of stakeholders to identify needs and to achieve desired results.
  • Demonstrated ability of organizational and time management skills, including having exceptional attention to detail, data quality, and accuracy of information.
  • Fluency in Bahasa. MANDATORY.
  • Highly motivated, committed to highest ethical standards.
  • An understanding of governance and public procurement issues in Indonesia or within East Asia is strongly desired.
  • Work experience in Indonesia is highly desirable.
Past Performance

Three (3) professional references for relevant work performed during the past three years.


The government will examine the proposed rate for reasonableness. 
  • Evaluation Methodology. The Government will perform a comparative analysis of quotes and will assess the advantages and disadvantages of each quote as related to the Evaluation Factors. Multiple awards may be made from this notice and all quotes will be retained and may be utilized for requirements for a period of 6 months.
  • Quote Deadline. Independent Consultants are invited to submit their quotations in response to this notice by 2:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST), February 25, 2013. Only e-mailed requests for additional information will be accepted at MCCConsultants@mcc.gov by 12:00 pm eastern standard time on February 19, 2013. Quotations submitted in response to this notice shall include the solicitation number AND description in the subject line and be signed, dated and submitted via email to MCCConsultants@mcc.gov. The maximum file size is 10mb.
  • Quote Submission. The Individual Consultant shall submit the following document:
    • Technical: (1) Cover letter that addresses all technical criteria as listed in this solicitation; (2) Curriculum Vitae (25 page maximum)
    • Past Performance: Three professional references
    • Price: Bio-Data Form which includes the independent consultant's proposed rate and salary history. 
  • FAR 52.212.3, Offeror Representations and Certifications - Commercial Items shall be required from the selected consultant, prior to the time of award. 
  • There are no additional contract requirements(s) necessary for this acquisition other than those consistent with customary commercial practices.
  • See attached documents, Statement of Work, Addendum to FAR Clause 52.212-4 (Alt I); MCC Bio-Data Sheet.
Contracting Office Address:Millennium Challenge Corporation;Contracts and Grants Management Division;875 15th St, NW;Suite 200;Washington DC 20005Point of Contact(s):Jennifer Crouse
(202) 521-3593

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