
Grants Bookkeeper with Chemonics International - Jakarta

ProRep is calling for Grants Bookkeeper with a long term position. If you are an experienced Bookkeeper and familiar with Grants and Grantee, you are invited to apply for this position.
Indonesia Program Representasi (ProRep)

Scope of Work - Grants Bookkeeper

The primary objective of ProRep is to increase the effectiveness of representative groups and institutions in Indonesia and, in doing so, bolster both democracy and good governance in Indonesia. The ProRep project will strengthen representation in three important areas:
  • First, it will build the capacity of member- and constituency-based based civil society organizations (CSOs) so that they can better represent the interests of their members and constituents at the national and/or local level.
  • Second, it will support independent analysis and public consideration of legislation and policies having a major impact on democratic governance.
  • Third, it will work with Indonesia’s key representative bodies – primarily the House of Representatives (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat or DPR), but possibly also the Regional Representative Council (Dewan Perwakilan Daerah or DPD) – to help them become more effective, responsive and transparent.
The principal project results will include: 1) membership-based CSOs will be better able to represent the interests of their members, 2) Indonesian universities, think tanks and CSOs will be better able to produce and disseminate policy-relevant research and analysis, and 3) the legislative process in the DPR will be more effective, responsive and transparent.

The project also will give USAID a mechanism to allow it to respond flexibly and rapidly to unanticipated needs and opportunities that USAID believes are important to protecting or advancing democratic governance in Indonesia. These results will contribute to the achievement of IR 2 of USAID’s 2009-2014 Democratic Governance (DG) strategy, which supports efforts at both the national and regional levels to make governance more representative, effective and responsive to citizen’s needs.

Position Name Grants Bookkeeper

Counter part USAID/Indonesia

Specific Tasks Overall requirements
  • Bachelor (S1) of Acounting from reputable university
  • Having experience with Grants and Grantee
  • Excellent attitude and ability to adapt to changing operational and implementation needs
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively and cooperatively with a wide range of people
  • Strong computer skills especially with Excel
Specific requirements
The ProRep bookkeeper will have primary responsibility of assisting with all project bookkeeping tasks and perform basic financial functions. Detail job responsibilities listed below include, but not limited to, the following:
  • Receive invoices from vendors and manage and ensure timely payment by the project.
  • Prepare documentation for all payment transactions (except payment mobile phones, office telephone and electricity), including but not limited to vouchers, checks and transfer forms. Ensure that appropriate documentation and approvals are obtained. 
  • Maintain the project’s accounting files system. Make sure that all vouchers are in order, completed properly and have bank slips/copy of checks attached.
  • Maintain the tax files for the project, recorded and paid in timely manner.
  • Prepare daily Bank Reconciliation.
  • Assist Grants Manager to prepare payroll for all local staff based in Jakarta. 
  • Explain generally accepted accounting principles, USAID and Chemonics regulations to staff and consultants, as necessary.
  • Perform other general bookkeeping duties as needed and other duties as may be assigned by Grants Manager.
The Bookkeeper reports directly to the Grants Manager. He/She will prepare regular oral and written progress reports that demonstrate the status of project activities toward expected results, as well as other reports as required.

Time Frame
The total LOE for this assignment is estimated at 12 months with possible extension

Interested applicants are invited to send a cover letter and complete curriculum vitae stated 3 referees to etasmania@chemonics.com

Deadline for Applications: February 15th, 2013

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. If you do not hear from us within 2 weeks of the closing date, please assume that you have not been shortlisted.

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