
Lowongan kerja Temporary Driver - Management Systems International

*Scope of Work*

*Temporary Driver*
Strengthening Integrity and Accountability Program-1 (SIAP-1) is a five years program funded by the United States Agency for International Development implemented under the leadership of Management Systems International (MSI). MSI is now looking for a temporary driver for a replacement while project driver is on leave. The period of performance for this temporary position is 7 – 11 January 2013 (5 days).

Position Summary:
*Temporary Driver*

Job Description:

Driver tasks:
  • Vehicle maintenance including regular check-ups, cleanings, and fueling*. (Merawat kendaraan, termasuk cek rutin, kebersihan dan bahan bakar)*
  • Maintaining an accurate vehicle log. *(Mencatat kegiatan harian secara akurat sebagai laporan administrasi)*
  • Managing vehicle and trip scheduling as needed. *(Mengatur jadual kendaraan dan agenda perjalanan sesuai kebutuhan)*
  • Providing safe transportation to and from locations for project staff. *(Memberikan transportasi yang aman bagi staff project yang melakukan perjalanan dinas)*
  • Ensuring compliance with all MSI and local driving laws and regulations. *(Memastikan untuk mengikuti aturan berkendaraan yang berlaku baik dengan MSI maupun aturan sebagai pengendara)*
  • Performing errands as requested by the Chief of Party or other office member including trips to the bank, post office, visits to clients/partners/other project offices, etc*.(Melaksanakan tugas lain atas permintaan pimpinan termasuk, ke bank, kantor pos, mengantar surat ke mitra project dll.)*
**This is a local position; only Indonesian nationals will be considered.
Only candidates who have been selected for an interview will be contacted.
Interested candidates please send your CV to *hong@msi-siap.com* no later than 4 January 2013.

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